Sql-server – Accessing a SQL Server Denali CTP1 database with Management Studio 2012 SP1 Express


I had Management Studio 2011 Denali CTP1 installed before but I have uninstalled it.

Now I have installed the Management Studio 2012 SP1 Express without any database instances.

I have a webserver with a few SQL server instances, one of them was installed by the Denali CTP1 installer. I'm able to connect to it wothout problems with a Denali CTP 1 SSMS but not with the 2012SP1.

When I connect with SSMS2012SP1 I immediately get the error:

Invalid object name 'sys.database_filestream_options'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 208)

Although I'm connected to the database (and able to create or modify users for example), nearly every item throws some error when I expand it.

For example expanding "Databases" throws:

Invalid column name 'synchronization_state'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 207)

"Some authorization problem" – I thought. But after creating a new user and setting every possible right to it and trying to logging in with it, there is no difference.

I'm not able to figure out the problem.

I can access the database through code just fine, here is my connectionstring:

server\web11;Initial Catalog=a_database;Persist Security Info=True;Trusted_Connection=True;

So I figured that this is something Management Studio does.

Best Answer

You'll want to upgrade the database to the full version of SQL Server 2012. I'm not surprised that the beta database engine doesn't work with the full release of the management tool. There's no guarantee that beta and RTM products will work together.