Sql-server – Access ODBC reserved error 7711


I have user who is trying to access some tables from our Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 system (which very recently got moved to a brand new hardware/software stack) using Access 2007 via an ODBC connection, a method they've been using for years. Now they're getting 'Reserved Error (-7711); there is no message for this error.'

In my googling process I haven't been able to identify any relevant information that isn't related to 2003 versions of Sybase. I'm guessing there's some security of configuration setting I've forgotten to set on the new box but to me the error seems pretty obscure and I'm not sure where to go from here.

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Turns out the issue was with an assembly created with 'Unrestricted' permissions, when trying the ODBC connection under Excel I received a more verbose error related to a .NET error and this assembly, changing the 'Permission set' to 'Safe' seemed to solve the problem.