SQL Server – Backup and Restore 10 TB Database

backuprestoresql server

We have a very big production database which is 10 TB. We are considering migrating it to a cloud service, but I have to understand the risks and estimate the duration of the whole process. I backup the database once per month using Native SQL Server 2014 SP2 backup solution. The duration is almost 720 minutes – 12 h. The compression ratio is 5, meaning the backup size is almost 2 TB. We can't afford differential backups because accumulated, these take as much time and space as the Full, so we do T-log backups (~200 Mb each) instead each 10 minutes ~ 144 files per day. The BIG question is having all these stats, does anyone have any idea how long it would take to restore a 2 TB backup containing 10 TB data? Would it be much longer than the Full backup duration?

Best Answer

This is simple and quick to test.

Take that 2TB backup file, copy it to Azure using AzCopy. Provision a SQL Server using the "Free License: SQL Server 2017 Developer on Windows Server 2016" image configured with 12-15 TB of SSD storage. Remote desktop to the SQL VM and restore the backup directly from Blob Storage, or copy it to a local disk and then restore it.

Just remember to shut down the VM when you're not testing, and destroy it and the disks when you're done to minimize the charges.