SQL pivot/transpose/row-column non-proprietary


Maybe this question has been asked already (it should
be quite simple). I've Googled loads of phrases
(PIVOT, ROWS to COLUMNS, TRANSPOSE &c.) and all I get is
TSQL this, TSQL that and or Oracle this, Oracle
that, proprietary function this, proprietary function that well, you get the picture.

I have a simple table structure – if it was any simpler, it'd
be a list 🙂 – i.e. it's two columns.

stock_date       sku
----------       ---
2016-06-01         0
2016-06-02       123
2016-06-03       123
2016-06-04       123
2016-06-06       123
2016-06-07       123
2016-06-03       245
<... &c...>

There may be many thousands of sku's but the date range
will be at most a month or so, but can vary, so the code needs to cater for that.

So, I want to make the stock_date field a column.

sku     1   2   3   4   5   6   7
---     -   -   -   -   -   -   - 
123     0   Y   Y   Y   0   Y   Y
245     0   0   Y.... &c.

Ideally, the code would be dynamic and would work with any server (even MySQL).

But if it has to use common table expressions and/or window functions, that's
OK but not proprietary crosstab or pivot functions.

Best Answer

A PIVOT can be written as a CASE statement. So for your example:

    MAX (CASE WHEN stock_date = '2016-06-01' THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END) AS [1],
    MAX (CASE WHEN stock_date = '2016-06-02' THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END) AS [2],
    MAX (CASE WHEN stock_date = '2016-06-03' THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END) AS [3],

Note that this can (and should) be dynamically generated.

(Source: https://avaldes.com/pivot_using_case/)