Shell: How to time a script running in SQLPlus and kill it after x amount of minutes


I have a little tool which automatically runs a series of SQL scripts when and outputs to .XLS when an appropriate request is made. However, some SQL scripts need to be ran on a live database, and I don't want them to run for over 5 minutes.

Is there a way to – within my shell script – time the script's run time and kill it after 5 minutes?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

If you must kill the session from within the script, then here is a method I would investigate.

Create a table to store the run status. It need only have one column for an SID. The first thing your script would do is start a second instance of itself running in the background and passing it a parameter to indicate that it is the background process. The background branch of the script would sleep for the maximum amount of time you want the process to run and when it wakes up it would check the table and if there is an SID stored will kill the session and end. In parallel to this, the original/foreground process after kicking off the background version of itself would create a session, insert it's SID into the new table and commit. It could then run all the statements necessary and end by deleting it's SID from the table.

If the script takes less than the allotted time, then the background process will have nothing to do when it wakes up. If the script takes too long the background process will kill the foreground session.

In theory this seems like it would work, but I haven't tried it.