Select parent rows and include cost of children

group byoracleoracle-18csum

I have a WORKORDER table that has parent and child WOs in it:

with workorder as (
select 'WO37342' as wonum,      null as parent, 297.36 as actlabcost, 200 as actmatcost, 0 as actservcost, 0 as acttoolcost from dual
union all
select 'WO37427' as wonum, 'WO37342' as parent,  99.12 as actlabcost,   0 as actmatcost, 0 as actservcost, 0 as acttoolcost from dual
union all
select 'WO37429' as wonum, 'WO37342' as parent,  99.12 as actlabcost, 100 as actmatcost, 0 as actservcost, 0 as acttoolcost from dual

 ------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
 WO37342             297.36        200           0           0
 WO37427 WO37342      99.12          0           0           0
 WO37429 WO37342      99.12        100           0           0

I want to select the parent rows and include the cost of the children in the parents:

 ------- ----------- ---------- ----------- -----------
 WO37342       495.6        300           0           0

Is there a concise way of doing this with Oracle 18c SQL?

Best Answer

That ability was available in Oracle 7; maybe earlier. ( doc )

  1. Use a hierarchical query (in a CTE/sub-query) to find the children and grandchildren.
  2. SUM() the values when you GROUP BY the parent wonum.
with workorder as (
    select 'WO37342' as wonum,      null as parent, 297.36 as actlabcost, 200 as actmatcost, 0 as actservcost, 0 as acttoolcost from dual
    union all
    select 'WO37427' as wonum, 'WO37342' as parent,  99.12 as actlabcost,   0 as actmatcost, 0 as actservcost, 0 as acttoolcost from dual
    union all
    select 'WO37429' as wonum, 'WO37342' as parent,  99.12 as actlabcost, 100 as actmatcost, 0 as actservcost, 0 as acttoolcost from dual
), hier as (
    select connect_by_root( wonum ) parent_wonum
        ,level lv
    from workorder a
    start with a.parent is null
    connect by a.parent = prior(a.wonum)
select parent_wonum
    ,listagg(wonum,',') within group (order by lv, wonum) list_wo
    ,sum( actlabcost ) actlabcost
    ,sum( actmatcost ) actmatcost
    ,sum( actservcost ) actservcost
    ,sum( acttoolcost ) acttoolcost
from hier
group by parent_wonum