SQLite – How to Select All Rows with a Minimum Value


In Sqlite 3 I'm trying to figure out how to select rows based on a minimum value. I think that I'm limited by not knowing enough of the related terminology to effectively search google.

The table looks like:

num         text        num2      
----------  ----------  ----------
0           a           1         
0           a           2         
1           a           3         
1           b           4         

I want to get the rows where num2 is 1, 2, and 4. I want to do the selection based on the minimum value of num for each unique value of the text column.

So, for text = 'a', the minimum value of numis 0, so I want rows 1 and 2. For text = 'b', the minimum value of num is 1, so I want row 4.

Using various combination of group by, I'm able to get either rows 1 and 2 or rows 1 and 4. I feel like I'm missing a SQL component that would do what I want, but I haven't been able to figure out what it could be.

What is the proper way to do this type of query?

Possible Solution

I've found a way to do this. I'm not reputable enough to answer my own question, so I'm doing the update here. I'm not sure if it is always correct or what the efficiency is like. Any comments are welcome.

I used a compound select statement, where one query finds the minimum value of num for each unique value of text:

sqlite> select num, text from t group by text having num = min( num );
num         text      
----------  ----------
0           a         
1           b         

Then I joined this with the full table to get all rows matching these two columns.

sqlite> with u as
      ( select num, text from t group by text having num = min( num ) )
        select t.* from t join u on t.num = u.num and t.text = u.text;
num         text        num2      
----------  ----------  ----------
0           a           1         
0           a           2         
1           b           4         

Best Answer

As you have seen, a simple GROUP BY will not work because it would return only one record per group.

Your join works fine. For a large table, it will be efficient only if there is an index on the join columns (num and text).

Alternatively, you could use a correlated subquery:

WHERE num = (SELECT MIN(num)
             FROM t AS t2
             WHERE t2.text = t.text);


When being executed, this query does not require a temporary table (your query does for the result of u), but will execute the subquery for each record in t, so text should be indexed. (Or use an index on both text and num to get a covering index.)