Searching transaction logs for changes


I currently have a database with an attached CMS. The CMS has about 50+ people with various permission levels that can log in etc… I would like to know if there is a way I can look at the transaction logs (taken every 30 minutes) and see where a particular value was updated on a bit switch. I can then cross reference it with the person who was logged in at the time so I am fine on that part. If someone can guide me on how to read the transaction log to find the specific update to table x that would be a huge help.

Best Answer

If you're using MS SQL Server you're much better off downloading a tool like this instead of trying to figure out how to go through the entire transaction log and use those functions. It has a 14 day free trial and should make it a lot more readable for you.

If you end up having to do that check out this thread on DBCC LOG: