Right way to get references to an object in Oracle


I want to find all the objects referencing my object.

I came up with this query, Is this the best way to get all references to an object? (I know this doesn't include constraints, I handle that separately)

Direct References to Object

SELECT object_id, owner, object_name, object_type
       FROM sys.DBA_OBJECTS  
       WHERE object_id IN (select object_id
                           from public_dependency
                           where REFERENCED_OBJECT_ID = :id_object)
       ORDER BY object_name

Also, on the internet, I have come across queries like the following.

Direct and Indirect References to Object

SELECT object_id, owner, object_name, object_type
       FROM sys.DBA_OBJECTS  
       WHERE object_id IN (SELECT object_id
                           FROM public_dependency 
                           CONNECT BY PRIOR object_id = referenced_object_id
                           START WITH referenced_object_id = :objectId)

However, if my understanding is correct, this query doesn't return direct references only, but also indirect dependencies.

For example if I want the references for object_A. If object_B references it, and object_C referenced object_B. This query would return object_B and object_C as references to object_A. Am I right?

Best Answer

After talking with some people with more Experience in Oracle than me, they told me I was right in my understanding.

This query returns the references to an object (except the constraints)

SELECT object_id, owner, object_name, object_type
       FROM sys.DBA_OBJECTS  
       WHERE object_id IN (select object_id
                           from public_dependency
                           where REFERENCED_OBJECT_ID = :id_object)
       ORDER BY object_name