Oracle 10g – Return Multiple Rows in PL/SQL


I'm doing a little project and I need to do a plsql to return many rows.

I have someting like:

Table(id, data1, data2, from)

And the user gives me the value of from and I have to return all that.

The SQL is easy:

SELECT * FROM Table WHERE from = dataIntroduced

But, I don't know how the plsql can return that.

I read about collections but I think is not what I need

Best Answer

One way of return select data from PL/SQL is using Oracle table functions. Below is an example where the line SELECT * FROM table_a where test_a = par1; should be replaced by your select statement + change the table name.

Create table Table_a
(test_a varchar2(1))

insert into table_a

create or replace package test_package as
TYPE col_table_1 is table of TABLE_A%ROWTYPE;
function test_plsql_table(par1 varchar2) return col_table_1

create or replace package body test_package as
  function test_plsql_table(par1 varchar2) return col_table_1
    cursor temp_cur is
      SELECT * FROM table_a where test_a = par1;
    for cur_rec in temp_cur loop
      pipe row(cur_rec);
    end loop;


SELECT * from TABLE( test_package.test_plsql_table('a'))