Reorder data in one column based on data in another column


I have the following table structure:

create table abc ( Name number , No number )

The data is like this:

Name | No
 100 |  11
 101 |  20
 102 |  12
 103 |  16
 104 |  13
 105 |  14
 106 |  15

I need to retain the exact values that are in the No column; I just need to modify the records the current values are associated with, so that the seq values are in the same order as the Name values.

Name | No
 100 |  11
 101 |  12
 102 |  13
 103 |  14
 104 |  15
 105 |  16
 106 |  20

Best Answer

I'm no pro on Oracle, but yo need something like this wrapped in an UPDATE statement,

FROM ( SELECT id, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY id) FROM dummy )
  AS t1(id, rn)
JOIN ( SELECT seq, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY seq) FROM dummy )
  AS t2(seq, rn)
USING (rn);

We look at the two columns id and seq

  • For id, we sort by id, and return the row number() and id
  • For seq, we sort by seq, and return the row_number() and seq

We have the same amount of rows for both, so we'll have the same amount of row_number(). Now we just join on row_number(). Tie-handling is undefined here.

You should probably rename seq to priority.

  • A priority can be static and global depending on the context. The value can matter, as in a priority queue or job scheduler where some priorities hold significance.
  • A seq by convention usually has gaps so the values don't matter, just the comparison (sometimes the uniqueness).

Here is one attempt at making this approach work in Oracle (dbfiddle):

  test tgt
  seq =
    SELECT sortedBySeq.seq
    FROM (SELECT test.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Id  ASC) AS rn FROM test) sortedById
    JOIN (SELECT test.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY seq ASC) AS rn FROM test) sortedByseq
      ON sortedById.rn = sortedBySeq.rn
    WHERE sortedById.Id = tgt.Id

Referencing the same table three times probably won't lend itself well to efficiency, but this is something to start with at least.