Relational tables with same content, custom solution


So let`s say that I am building an app where I can add comments for FOO. Normally I would have something like this:

Table foo and table foo_comments, where foo_comments contains id, foo_id and other columns.

Right now this is the only way that I am using comments in my app. I did get a note from somebody that, if they will update the app in the future and they will want to add comments also for BAR, I should add something custom from right now, even if I don`t need it right now. So I was advised to add something like this

A table comments (for general use), that would contain a type column (where type can be an int representing the table which is referring to: foo, bar or something else) and a type_id column that would contain the id of the row from the main table.

So it`s this a good practice?
Should I build something like this, just because the app can be changed in the future? Or I just keep it with foo_comments table, and then if the app will add comments for BAR table, I would create a bar_comments table also.

Best Answer

I would keep them separate. Although the details differ, your circumstance smells a lot like the One True Lookup Table antipattern. By combining you will have problems defining foreign keys (which parent to point at?), amongst other things. Indexing strategy will essentially be about spliting the combined table into its constituent parts. And so on...

The justification for combining would be if Foo and Bar are sub-types of some more abstract entity type and all comments could hang off this super-type.