Referencing multiple tables from a single table and store additional data


I have a database where I want to store lap time information from a racing game. I have tables for car, track, game, tuning and upgrade data and want to put all these together to create a single dataset, so that I can e.g. display all times for a track, or detailed information about a lap time on a specific track in a specific car.

My schema is:

GameID (PK), GameName

CarID (PK), Manufacturer, Model, GameID (FK)

TrackID (PK), TrackName

PartID (PK), PartName, GameID (FK)

TuneID (PK), ElementName, GameID (FK)

TrackGame (-- A Track can appear in multiple Games)
TrackID (FK), GameID (FK)

To achieve that, I created a table TimeSet where I want to put everything together, but since a car can have multiple Parts installed, and many different Tuning values, I'm having a hard time integrating this properly into a TimeSet. I though of splitting the data over three tables (see below), but I don't think this looks like a good solution, because inserting data cleanly will probably be difficult to do.

TimeSetID (PK), GameID (FK), TrackID (FK), CarID (FK), (TimeSetID, TuneID) (FK), (TimeSetID,PartID) (FK), time

(TimeSetID (FK), TuneID (FK)) (PK), value

(TimeSetID (FK), PartID (FK)) (PK)

What is the proper way to do this? I'm working with SQLite 3 on Android.

Best Answer

I think what you're missing is a car_configuration table. This will have an FK to the cars table and have car_config_parts and car_config_tunings as children, like so:

create table car_configuration (
  config_id integer primary key,
  car_id integer references cars (car_id)

create table car_config_parts (
  config_id integer references car_configuration (config_id),
  part_id integer references parts (part_id),
  constraint car_config_part_pk primary key (config_id ,part_id)

create table car_config_tunings (
  config_id integer references car_configuration (config_id),
  tuning_id integer references tuning (tuning_id),
  constraint car_config_tuning_pk primary key (config_id, tuning_id)

You can then include the config_id as a reference in the timeset table (with no reference to cars). You'll need to ensure that you can't change the parts and tunings for a configuration or implement some form of versioning on this table to ensure you can reconstruct the exact details used to set a given time in the past.