RAM/memory based databases


I am looking for a RAM/memory based database, and these two seem to be interesting:

Do you have any other suggestions?

I need more than one executable to be able to access the DB concurrently.

Thank you.

More details:

I want to use a database as a high level communication channel among executables, instead of using the file system or shared memory.

File system pros: persistent storage (I do not care about it in this project).
File system cons: slow; hardware stress (both for hard disk and SSD).

Shared memory pros: speed.
Shared memory cons: data size; non persistent storage; low level access.

RAM Database pros: speed; high level, query-like access.
RAM Database cons: data size; non persistent storage (not a problem in my case).

Best Answer

I see two competing/conflicting requirements:

RAM/memory based database


more than one executable to be able to access the DB concurrently

They are competing/conflicting because modern operating systems normally enforce strict segregation for RAM allocated to specific processes (there are exceptions, but in the main this holds).

One option here is to copy your database to a RAM disk. That would allow separate apps to treat the database as if it were a file. The downside here is that the contents of a RAM disk won't survive a reboot of the host machine, and so you need a very robust system to keep your database saved to a real hard disk as well.

But really, if you want multiple apps sharing the same db, you're much better off using a database server. Enforcing safe, concurrent access is one of two main reasons databases exist as distinct entities from flat file stores (the other is efficient joins).