Quickly jump to an object in Object Explorer in SSMS


When expanding a tree with a large number of objects such as the Tables tree in SSMS Object Explorer, is there a method of quickly navigating to the table I am looking for, if I know the exact name or the first few letters of the name? I know that by typing the table name, the explorer will navigate to the respective table, but with table names like dbo.Table1, I want to avoid typing the 'dbo' portion of the name and just start typing Table1. I am not looking to use Filtering as I find this is cumbersome when navigating dozens of times throughout the day. I am using SMSS V11.0.3128.0.

Best Answer

Try using the Object Explorer Details window.

It's the second option under the View menu or F7 to open it. Once there you can just select the category in Object Explorer you want to look at (tables for example) and then in the OE Details window you can just type the name of the table. As an added bonus you can sort by name, schema, create date and a number of other really useful columns.

enter image description here