Processes can not be terminated on Sybase ASE


In 2 days, 1494 processes can not be terminated. This transactions, select data from IQ from ASE using by services. IQ was stopped yesterday and 1494 processes was occured. I killed kill spid but it was not terminated. what should i do to close, kill or stop these processes? I increase a parameter sp_configure 'max cis remote connections',1800 because service can not retrieve data from IQ to ASE… What should i do? Thanks

CpuTime     SPID     DBName     column4     HostName               BlockingSPID     SecondsWaiting     WaitTime     MemUsageKB     SQLText                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             RowsAffected     StartTime               
 ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ---------------------  ---------------  -----------------  -----------  -------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
 356         3247     tempdb     my2u      weblogic2.localdomain  (null)           91339              91519500     54             DYNAMIC_SQL dyn145: create proc dyn145 as select x, y from mytable  where ID = 55728914                                                                                                                            0                2018-09-24 09:53:10.843 
 56          3819     tempdb     my2u      weblogic2.localdomain  (null)           91491              91671600     48             DYNAMIC_SQL dyn138: create proc dyn138 as select x, y from mytable  where ID = 4572954                                                                                                                             0                2018-09-24 09:50:39.043 
 55          4124     tempdb     my2u      weblogic1.localdomain  (null)           90587              90767900     68             DYNAMIC_SQL dyn156:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 0                2018-09-24 10:05:42.746 
 55          4169     tempdb     my2u      weblogic2.localdomain  (null)           91570              91750000     70             DYNAMIC_SQL dyn246:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 0                2018-09-24 09:49:20.646 
 54          4681     tempdb     my2u      weblogic3.localdomain  (null)           90077              90257500     68             DYNAMIC_SQL dyn156:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 0                2018-09-24 10:14:13.146 
 54          3621     tempdb     my2u      weblogic2.localdomain  (null)           92437              92617400     70             DYNAMIC_SQL dyn162:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 0                2018-09-24 09:34:53.243 
 54          5083     tempdb     my2u      weblogic3.localdomain  (null)           89846              90026700     82             DYNAMIC_SQL dyn656:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 0                2018-09-24 10:18:03.946 
 53          3158     tempdb     my2u      weblogic2.localdomain  (null)           91798              91978800     48             DYNAMIC_SQL dyn138: create proc dyn138 as select x, y from mytable  where ID = 63213   

sp_who  3247
fid spid    status  loginame    origname    hostname    blk_spid    dbname  tempdbname  cmd block_xloid
  0 3247    terminating my2u    my2u    weblogic2.localdomain          0    MYDB    tempdb  SELECT            0

I realized that my tran logs increasing from 1 Mb to 500 Mb… syslogshold result:

dbid     reserved     spid     page      xactid        masterxactid     starttime                name                                                                 xloid    
 -------  -----------  -------  --------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------  -------- 
 7        0            0        1129      000000000000  000000000000     2013-03-24 17:36:13.36   $replication_truncation_point                                        0        
 9        0            3995     41965187  02805683000b  000000000000     2018-09-24 10:24:13.546  $chained_transaction                                                 7990     
 9        0            0        41965187  000000000000  000000000000     2018-09-25 12:47:15.303  $replication_truncation_point                                        0  

select object_name (id),* from master..syslocks where spid = 3995
id  dbid    page    type    spid    class   fid context row loid    partitionid nodeid
259567215   9   0   4   3995    Non Cursor Lock                 0   0   0   7990    0   (null)
546266866   9   0   4   3995    Non Cursor Lock                 0   0   0   7990    0   (null)
451567899   9   0   4   3995    Non Cursor Lock                 0   0   0   7990    0   (null)
579568355   9   0   4   3995    Non Cursor Lock                 0   0   0   7990    0   (null)
1676634085  9   0   4   3995    Non Cursor Lock                 0   0   0   7990    0   (null)

Best Answer

You can check the status of a kill command with statusonly.

For example:

kill 3247 with statusonly

You can also check if any of those spids have open transactions on the syslogshold table:

select * from master..syslogshold