PostgreSQL Replication – Why Write Lag is Measured in Seconds


I'm running pg_receivewal locally, without compression, it stores segments on the same drive with the db files. Here's the replication statistic:

imbolc=# select * from pg_stat_replication;
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+------------------------------
pid              | 12920                   
usesysid         | 10                           
usename          | postgres                
application_name | pg_receivewal                
client_addr      |               
client_hostname  |                
client_port      | -1             
backend_start    | 2019-08-25 13:18:00.504531+07
backend_xmin     |               
state            | streaming                    
sent_lsn         | C/80009218              
write_lsn        | C/80009218                   
flush_lsn        |                         
replay_lsn       |                              
write_lag        | 00:00:09.838314         
flush_lag        | 00:00:40.028949              
replay_lag       | 00:00:40.028949
sync_priority    | 0              
sync_state       | async

If I set synchronous_commit = off, write_lag still remains significant, above 2.5 seconds.

So my questions are:

  • why the write_lag is so high?
  • does it mean that in case of the db crash last 10 seconds of transactions can be lost?
  • is there a way to improve it?

Best Answer

does it mean that in case of the db crash last 10 seconds of transactions can be lost?

If the database has a "soft" crash, like power failure, it will go through autorecovery upon startup, and will recover all transactions (other than those possibly lost to synchronous_commit = off) using the log files it found in the pg_wal or pg_xlog directory. pg_receivewal is irrelevant to this situation.

If the database has a "hard" crash, such that the storage media is permanently lost and you have to recovery from a backup, then you will lose much more than 10 seconds of transactions. Since pg_receivewal is storing to the files in the same place as the db files, they will all be lost together. Running pg_receivewal on the same machine as the database and storing the files to the same drive is a pointless exercise, suitable only for testing purposes.

Other than that issue, you are misinterpreting what the field is for. It is not to measure the data at risk, it is "consistent with the goal of measuring synchronous commit and transaction visibility delays for recent write transactions."