PostgreSQL – Why Casting to Timestamp in Index is Not Possible


I am working with a JSON document which I receive from an external source. In this document, there is a timestamp property which corresponds to the textual format of a timestamp PostgreSQL data type. So in other words, it can be casted to a timestamp type: (data->>'timestamp')::timestamp.

I want to use that timestamp property in an index. I tried the following:

create table t
    data    jsonb

create index on t(((data->>'timestamp')::timestamp));

I am getting:

ERROR:  functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE

Why is this? I understood that casting to a timestamptz is not immutable, because of the localization configuration settings which are not static, but I can't apply that logic to a cast to timestamp.

Is there still a way to cast my timestamp property in the index here?

I am working with PostgreSQL 12, as released a few days ago.

Best Answer

Casts from text to timestamp without time zone are handled by calling the type input function timestamp_in, which is STABLE.

The reason is that timestamp_in supports some other formats too:

SELECT 'now'::timestamp;

 2019-10-09 09:53:32.026673
(1 row)

If you know that your input is always an ISO timestamp and this cannot happen, define your own conversion function:

CREATE FUNCTION text2ts(text) RETURNS timestamp without time zone
$$SELECT CASE WHEN $1 ~ '^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d+)?$'
            THEN CAST($1 AS timestamp without time zone)

You can use that in your queries and indexes.

If you lack paranoia and are sure of your data quality, you can omit the test. That will improve performance, but you risk index corruption if somebody sneaks something like now into the data.