Postgresql – Why is pg_dumpall throwing an “OID does not exist” error


When I run pg_dumpall I'm now getting this:

$ pg_dumpall -f may2012
pg_dump: schema with OID 7549789 does not exist
pg_dumpall: pg_dump failed on database "dealermade", exiting

How do I resolve it?


Here is some of the data requested by @depesz:

select relname from pg_class where relnamespace = 7549789;
(2 rows)

Best Answer


select * from pg_class where relnamespace = 7549789;


select * from pg_proc where pronamespace = 7549789;

These are the most likely suspects (there are other objects that can be related to schema).

Make sure you run the queries in dealermade database.

After you will see the results - answer can be obvious (for example: delete from ... where ..), or more tricky - depending on what is the bad object. But at least you will have some data.

Also - try enabling logging of all queries, and rerun pg_dump to see what was the exact query that failed.