Postgresql – When is SELECT necessary in PL/pgSQL functions


While assigning the result of a function or expression to a variable in PL/pgSQL, when is it necessary to use a SELECT statement (sub-query)?

This may be just my misconception from SQL. I thought that everything should be enclosed in a (SELECT ...) (even if it just involves computing a number), e.g.

DECLARE parts text[];
  parts := (SELECT string_to_array(my_str,'_') );

but I just found that it works without the SELECT:

parts := string_to_array(my_str,'_');

(It's almost as if I can use PL/pgSQL as if its Pascal.)

In general, what kind of expressions can be used directly without SELECT in computing values?

Best Answer

This is only an educated guess.

It seems that the SELECT is unnecessary because it's already present, e.g. in the implicit SELECT ... INTO that an assignment := is equivalent to. From the documentation:

An assignment of a value to a PL/pgSQL variable is written as:

variable { := | = } expression;

As explained previously, the expression in such a statement is evaluated by means of an SQL SELECT command sent to the main database engine.

An example may be shown here, where:

name := (SELECT from test_table t where = x);

can also be written as

name := from test_table t where = x;

This seems possible because the second simplified form is equivalent to a SELECT INTO in PL/pgSQL:

SELECT INTO name FROM test_table WHERE id = x;

The first form would be equivalent to:

SELECT (SELECT from test_table t where = x) INTO name;

, which has a redundant layer of SELECT that can be removed.

On the other hand, when an implicit SELECT is not present, an explicit SELECT seems necessary. For example, the same function cannot be used directly (i.e. without SELECT)


if it's not in an assignment to a variable.