Postgresql – What does below parallel processing execution plan mean


I have a table tbl_a with 200 k records. I wrote a query to bring sum of id (int) column. Now execution plans shows 2 workers launched and below that parallel sequential scan on tbl_a is shown 3 times; with processing 66667 records each time(200k/3=66667). Now my question is since there were two workers so should there not be only two times table seq scan and each time with record 100k (200k/3). I am attaching the image which lists the table detail, query and query execution plan for better understanding.
enter image description here

Can someone tell me why with 2 workers there are 3 loops , each processing 6667 records out of total 200k records?

Best Answer

The two worker processes are additional to the session backend process, which is the “parallel leader”, so there are three processes working on the scan.