Postgresql – What am I doing wrong with the math


I have a table of fatalities and populations that I need to normalize to fatalities per 100K people:

CREATE TABLE all_states (
  state character varying(20) NOT NULL,
  fatalities integer NOT NULL,
  population integer NOT NULL

I want to calculate the fatality rate per 100,000 people, so I did:

SELECT *, (fatalities/population)*100000 AS rate 
FROM all_states;

But what I get is just 0s:

STATE          population   fatalities  rate
"Alabama"      4802740      75          0
"Alaska"       722718       39          0
"Arizona"      6482505      69          0
"Arkansas"     2937979      93          0
"California"   37691912     390         0

I feel like I'm missing something super simple here. I tried casting it as a float but that didn't change the results:

SELECT state, population, fatalities, 
       CAST(((fatalities/population)*100000) AS float) AS rate 
FROM all_states;

Best Answer

The problem here is that / operator in integer division truncates the result, check Mathematical Functions and Operators

Try with:

SELECT *,(fatalities::float/population)*100000 AS rate FROM all_states;


SELECT *,(fatalities::numeric/population)*100000 AS rate FROM all_states;