Postgresql – Using an index for both uniqueness and fast lookup


Right now I have a postgresql 8.4 database set up for players in a multiplayer game. I want the username column to be unique. I also want to be able to lookup a player by username quickly. Here's the output of \d players:

                            Table "public.players"
   Column   |  Type   |                      Modifiers                       
 id         | bigint  | not null default nextval('players_id_seq'::regclass)
 username   | text    | not null
 trophies   | integer | 
    "pk_id" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "players_username_key" UNIQUE, btree (username)
    "players_trophies_index" btree (trophies DESC NULLS LAST)
    "players_username_index" btree (username)

I'm not a DBA, so bear with me. This seems like an inefficient use of disk space by having two indices on the username column: one for uniqueness and one for fast lookup. Is it possible to combine them into one index, maintaining uniqueness and fast lookup? If so, are there any drawbacks to such an approach?

Best Answer

You only need a single index, the unique one. Queries to lookup by username will use the unique index. There's no advantage to having a second index on the same column marked as non-unique.

You can verify that this by performing an EXPLAIN on the query. Connect to you database and compare the results of the following before and after you drop the index and confirm that they are the same:

FROM public.players
WHERE username = 'foobar'

In both cases it should show something like:

Index scan using using players_username_key on public.players (cost=...[truncated])
  Output: id, username, trophies ...