Postgresql – use variable to determine the name of a column in the select in postgre


I'm trying create a update for a new structure of tables from a old table, but not using functions. I'm trying create a script to it.
The old table is like this:

-- old table (OldTable)
name| col_a | col_b | col_c |
ABC  |     0    |NULL |    1    |
DEF  |     1    |    1     |    1   |
GHI   | NULL |    1    |     0   |

And, new tables:
-- Table Users

----| ---------
 1  | ABC
 2  | DEF
 3  | GHI

-- Table Rules
--- | ------------------
 1  | col_a
 2  | col_b
 3  | col_c
 4  | col_d

-- Table UserRules
------------- |-------------

So, I'm needing populate the table UserRules with the result from a select on TableMix where the user name is equals to the user name on table User and the value for column in TableMix is equals 1. (select from OldTable where =
Well, I'm trying this:

DO $$
    DECLARE rules CURSOR FOR SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns
        WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name   = 'OldTable' 
        AND data_type = 'numeric' AND column_name NOT IN ('foo','bar'); 
        -- "foo" and "bar" are another numerc cols, but not define rules.
    DECLARE users CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM public.Users;
        FOR ruleName IN rules LOOP
            FOR userName IN users LOOP
                EXECUTE format('SELECT COALESCE(%I,col,$1) FROM public.OldTable 
                    WHERE name = ''$2''', ruleName, username);      
                -- insert on... populate the table Rules after get the id of the rule in table Rules if the result of select in OldTable equals 1 (or true if has a "where ... = 1")
            END LOOP;
        END LOOP;
END $$

After this, I don't have progress…
Someone help me? Thans!


This way I can get the real value:

DO $$
    rules CURSOR FOR SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns
    WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name   = 'oldtable' AND data_type = 'numeric'
    AND column_name NOT IN ('foo','bar');

    names CURSOR FOR SELECT username FROM public.users;

    res integer;
    FOR rulename IN rules LOOP          
        EXECUTE format('SELECT %s FROM oldtable WHERE nome = %L', rulename, 'USER NAME')    INTO res;
    -- IF res > 0 THEN
       RAISE NOTICE '%', res;
    --END IF;
END $$

Result the real integer value.

But if I use a loop for usernames, it's doesn't work.

DO $$
    rules CURSOR FOR SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns
    WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name   = 'oldtable' AND data_type = 'numeric'
    AND column_name NOT IN ('foo','bar');

    names CURSOR FOR SELECT username FROM public.users;

    res integer;
    FOR name IN names LOOP
        FOR rulename IN rules LOOP          
            EXECUTE format('SELECT %s FROM oldtable WHERE nome = %L', rulename, name)   INTO res;
        -- IF res > 0 THEN
           RAISE NOTICE '%', res;
        --END IF;
        END LOOP;
END $$

So, the resul is always .
Where am I going wrong?

Best Answer

I think you might be looking for the USING clause:

EXECUTE format('SELECT COALESCE(%I,col,$1) FROM public.TableMix 
                WHERE name = $2', ruleName)
        USING (username, whateverTheSecondParameterIs);      

You use $1, $2, etc for placement-parameters, passed by USING. You use %I for itentifiers expanded by format.

Update: If you want to coalesce the column name ruleName if it's null, perhaps you want something more like:

EXECUTE format('SELECT %I FROM public.TableMix 
                WHERE name = $1', coalesce(ruleName, 'col'))
        USING (username); 


You need to think about order of evaluation. What's part of the generated SQL, and what's evaluated in order to create that SQL?