PostgreSQL: The database cluster initialization failed


Both C:\PostgreSQL and C:\PostgreSQL\data have postgres user with full access and admin rights.

I ran postgresql-9.1.2-1-windows.exe from postgres user as admin. Target C:\PostgreSQL

Every way I try, I get "The database cluster initialization failed."


  • Is it OK to run everything w/o being a Windows Service?
  • Is there a work-around to install as Windows Service?

I am trying to setup PostGIS to work with GeoDjango.

I was able to manually install PostGIS. New to PostgreSQL and I am having a crisis of confidence over all of this. Coming from MySQL to PostgreSQL for the first time.

Pertinent log output from C:\Users\Larry\AppData\Local\Temp\install-postgresql.log:

WScript.Network initialized...
Called IsVistaOrNewer()...
    'winmgmts' object initialized...
Ensuring we can read the path C: (using icacls) to Larry:
    Executing batch file 'radA3CF7.bat'...
    Output file does not exists...
Called IsVistaOrNewer()...
    'winmgmts' object initialized...
Ensuring we can read the path C:\PostgreSQL (using icacls) to Larry:
    Executing batch file 'radA3CF7.bat'...
    Output file does not exists...
Called IsVistaOrNewer()...
    'winmgmts' object initialized...
Ensuring we can read the path C:\PostgreSQL\data (using icacls) to Larry:
    Executing batch file 'radA3CF7.bat'...
    Output file does not exists...
Called IsVistaOrNewer()...
    'winmgmts' object initialized...
Ensuring we can write to the data directory (using icacls) to  Larry:
    Executing batch file 'radA3CF7.bat'...
    Output file does not exists...
Failed to ensure the data directory is accessible (C:\PostgreSQL\data)
    Executing batch file 'radA3CF7.bat'...
    Output file does not exists...
Called Die(Failed to initialise the database cluster with initdb)...
Failed to initialise the database cluster with initdb


Best Answer

I had the same issue installing 9.1.4 on Windows 7. I managed to find a solution online that worked.

The steps I followed are:

  1. Uninstall PostgreSQL
  2. Delete the postgres user if it still exists.

    net user postgres /delete
  3. Create the postgres user with a password you can remember

    net user /add postgres <password>
  4. Add the postgres user to the Administrators group

    net localgroup administrators postgres /add
  5. Add the postgres user to the Power Users group

    net localgroup "power users" postgres /add
  6. Run a command window as the postgres user

    runas /user:postgres cmd.exe
  7. Run the install file from within the command window.


    This should run the installation successfully.

  8. Remove the postgres user from the Administrators group.

    net localgroup administrators postgres /delete