PostgreSQL – Testing if an Element is in an Array


Is there an operator in PostgreSQL to test whether an element is in an array?

Currently, I'm doing such tests in a slightly complex way by first constructing a singleton array for the element and then using the <@ operator between arrays.

SELECT ARRAY[1] <@ ARRAY[1,2,3];

( SELECT 1 <@ ARRAY[1,2,3]; does not work).

Is there a more succinct/clear way?

Best Answer

Assuming the element to check for is never NULL, your original method

SELECT ARRAY[1] <@ ARRAY[1,2,3];

delivers superior performance in the presence of a matching index for the array column (int[] in your example). See:

If it's all about integer arrays, consider the additional module intarray for superior performance.

If your column actually is the array element in the expression (plain integer in your example), consider:

OTOH, if NULL values can be involved on either side of the expression and you don't want NULL for NULL input, rather treat NULL like any other element, then use array_position() (Postgres 9.5 or later) like this:

SELECT array_position(ARRAY[1,2,3], 1) IS NOT NULL;
SELECT array_position(ARRAY[1,2,NULL,3], NULL) IS NOT NULL;


For tests without index support and no NULL values involved (or if you are happy with NULL on NULL input) and performance is not important, use the generic ANY construct like VĂ©race demonstrates.