Postgresql – structuring media uploads (users, images, videos) using sequelize.js


(using pseudocode to simplify)

say I have a User (users table)

User {
  id: PK

and I want to have them upload images and videos (media). I want to be able to differentiate between images or videos but they have overlapping fields beyond their media types. so that I can query for all of their media, or just videos or images.

I am unsure of the best way to structure this. here are two options I came up with

Option 1: use media table with a media_type column (enum values video and image)

Media {
  id: PK
  media_type: enum (image, video)
  uploader_id: FK (
  url: VC
  length: Int (null for images)


  • user.getMedia(); // get all media
  • user.getMedia({ where: { media_type: 'image' } }); // get images
  • user.getMedia({ where: { media_type: 'video' } }); // get videos

I could also use the scope (on media_type) and alias (Images, Videos) options on the Model.associate to create getMedia(), getImages(), getVideos() methods.

Option 2: separate images and videos tables

Image {
  id: PK
  uploader_id: FK (
  url: VC

Video {
  id: PK
  uploader_id: FK (
  url: VC
  length: Int


  • user.getVideos();
  • user.getImages();

So my questions are:

  • which option (of the above 2 or another you have) is preferred and why?
  • if option 1 is chosen does it become unmanageable if I add more media types?
  • how do I do getAllMedia() for the second option? The only thing I can think of is to write a custom prototype method that queries each table and reduces them (in order of upload date). this seems incorrect.
  • say I also keep track of all the User's likes from the media they view. option 1 would allow me to keep the FK on the likes table. option 2 appears to lead me to image_likes and video_likes which seems redundant.

Best Answer

I am leaning towards Option 1 for this because I actually think that as you add more media types option 2 is going to get unmanageable when it comes to querying, especially when you are trying to get all of a user's media, it would just require too much eager loading of the other tables, or a lot of join tables.

With option one, each piece of media has it's own unique id, so if you set up the association between Users, Media, and Likes so that: Likes belongTo users Users can hasMany Likes Media can hasMany Likes Likes hasOne media (so each individual like is a representation of it's userId and the mediaId it was associated to)

then you would be able to query your Likes table for all Likes with a certain userId (to show all the media a user has liked), or for all Likes for a certain mediaId (ex. to show the amount of likes for a specific image).

You wouldn't even necessarily have to specify the media type when querying likes because you'd have your mediaId or UserId depending on what you are trying to query.