Postgresql – Streaming Replication Log is puzzling me


I have a streaming replication hot-standby setup, which seems to be running all good. I can login, execute selects and the result seems to be up-to-date with the master. However in the log of the standby, I see a lot of these:

cp: cannot stat `/mnt/wal_drive/wals/0000000100004BA800000070': No such file or directory
2014-02-28 16:00:37 CET LOG:  record with zero length at 4BA8/70DD79D0
2014-02-28 16:00:37 CET LOG:  started streaming WAL from primary at 4BA8/70000000 on timeline 1
2014-02-28 16:02:59 CET FATAL:  could not receive data from WAL stream: SSL error: sslv3 alert unexpected message

What does each of these mean, and should I worry about any of them?

PS. In the master I see some of these, which I expect to be related to the SSL thing:

2014-02-28 16:10:33 CET LOG:  SSL renegotiation failure
2014-02-28 16:10:33 CET LOG:  SSL error: unexpected record

I'm running postgresql 9.3 on ubuntu 12.04


Regarding the WAL logs I have the following setup:

On both my master and my slave I have mounted a network storage in fstab using a cifs command. The directory is chowned to be owned by the postgres user.

On my master I have the following settings in postgresql.conf:

archive_mode = on
archive_command = 'rsync -a %p /mnt/wal_drive/wals/%f </dev/null'

On the slave I have hot_standby = on and the following recovery.conf:

standby_mode = 'on'
primary_conninfo = 'host=localhost port=5433 user=replicator password=some_pass'
trigger_file = '/tmp/pgsql.trigger'
restore_command = 'cp -f /mnt/wal_drive/wals/%f %p </dev/null'
archive_cleanup_command = '/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/pg_archivecleanup /mnt/wal_drive/wals/ %r'

I have an ssh-tunnel forwarding port 5433 of the slave to port 5432 on the master, so connecting on localhost:5433 is actually the master db.

Best Answer

You appear to have two separate problems an issue with OpenSSL renegotiation.

First - nope, I was wrong, see Daniel's answer.

Second, you're being bitten by an OpenSSL issue with renegotiations. Searching for the error message would've told you this. As noted in that bug report:

Workaround is to set 'ssl_renegotiation_limit=0' in postgresql.conf

which asks PostgreSQL to tell OpenSSL to stop attempting renegotiations, since that version of OpenSSL has broken renegotiation support.