if the statements are inside the stored procedure together, they will be processed simultaneously and because the tables are related that way it will cause a problem.
No, the statements in a stored procedure are processed sequentially, not in parallel. A stored procedure executes in a single thread, just as if you had issued the queries one after another... not simultaneously.
There are some optimizations you could make, however.
If the `titnum` table doesn't have a multi-column index on the three columns (titvalpag, titemi, titnum) together, you should probably add one.
The delete statements can be rewritten without the IN()
Use caution with this, because doing it incorrectly will remove the wrong data.
delete from mov_pedido
where pednot in(select distinct titnum
from mov_titulo
where titnum like 'A4%'
and titemi <='2012-01-01' and titvalpag >0);
FROM mov_pedido p
JOIN mov_titulo m ON m.titnum = p.pednot
WHERE m.titnum like 'A4%' and m.titemi <='2012-01-01' and m.titvalpag >0;
This is the multi-table delete syntax. "DELETE p" will only remove the rows from "p" (an alias for mov_pedido) that match rows in "m" (mov_titulo). It won't remove the rows from "m" unless you say "DELETE p, m" -- so don't do that.
The mov_pedido table (and the others) should have an index on the column you're using to join (pednot, etc.) if they don't already.
In my opinion, a procedure should do one thing and one thing only. The logic should be performed in the application code. Secondly, a procedure should not return a result set. It should do work and then possibly return a status e.g. success, failure or something similar. Also, the name of your procedure is meaningless. Choose a descriptive name.
So, break it up into three procedures (insert, update and delete). Move the select statement into a view rather than a procedure. Let your programmers add the logic in their code to determine which one to call. Make sure you put index on the table.
Never do a select *
. Only select the columns you need. It may be that you add columns later on but you will still SELECT *
. Your SELECT *
will then store all (incl unnecessary columns) columns in memory and, in worst case, run out of memory and be swapping to disk.
Best Answer
There is no such thing as a stored procedure in PostgreSQL. All PostgreSQL has are SQL-callable functions defined in a number of languages -
,LANGUAGE plpgsql
,LANGUAGE plperl
, etc.Additionally, there's no
command. You wantALTER TABLE ... RENAME TO ...
.This particular example must be written in PL/PgSQL using
because it relies on dynamic SQL. See the numerous existing examples on Stack Overflow of using PL/pgSQLEXECUTE
. Something like a PL/PgSQL function with:Edit: OK, more complete example: