PostgreSQL – How to Store HTTP Response


I want to store a whole HTTP response in PostgreSQL database row.

I need the HTTP status, the headers and the body.

AFAIK there is no native data type for this.

How could I store a HTTP response?


I have been thinking about this again. I guess it is best if I follow this pattern: I won't search anything inside the http response. It is like a blob. Everything I want to search in it while be extracted before and put into a different column. Up to now only the http status code will get used and it will get an own column.

Best Answer

The HTTP/1.1 spec says, through RFC-7230, that:

  • the status code is a 3-digit number, so an int4 or int2 would do.
  • for the entire header, see 3.2.4, "Field parsing":

    Historically, HTTP has allowed field content with text in the ISO-8859-1 charset [ISO-8859-1], supporting other charsets only through use of [RFC2047] encoding. In practice, most HTTP header field values use only a subset of the US-ASCII charset [USASCII]. Newly defined header fields SHOULD limit their field values to US-ASCII octets. A recipient SHOULD treat other octets in field content (obs-text) as opaque data.

    "opaque" pretty much implies that bytea is the only safe choice, if you want to handle the responses of any HTTP server out there.

  • The message body is defined as message-body = *OCTET, so bytea is also pretty much the only type that fits, unless you prefer the large objects storage and API. bytea is limited to 1Gb so you may want to chunk the value across several smaller rows if you target any size. In practice, very large bytea values tend to be unworkable, personally I wouldn't go over 128Mb per row.