PostgreSQL – SSL Connection to AWS RDS Instance from Windows Client


I am trying to connect to a PG instance hosted on AWS RDS using a secure SSL connection. Where do I store the public key on windows so that it is automatically applied to the connection?

Please note that when I open PGAdmin it only lets me specify .crt and .key files. Is there a way to point it to .pem files?

I downloaded the public key referenced here:

On Linux it is a simple matter of putting this key into the default OpenSSL directory and postgres seems to detect it and take care of the rest itself.

On Windows I have not figured out how to do this or where to store the .pem file or how to point PGAdmin to a .pem file.

Best Answer

If you are using PGAdmin, when you create a new connection there is a tab called SSL[1]. There you can input your pem file.

If you are using psql, put your pemfile on %APPDATA%\postgresql\ directory. See more details at the documentation[2].

Hope it helps.


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