Postgresql – setup table level Autovacuuming on postgres database


I am trying to setup table level Autovacuuming on postgres database. What all metrices I need to collect and analyze specific to that particular table?
I have to enable autovacuuming on all the tables wherever it is required.(With most inserts/deletes probably). How do I proceed on this?

Best Answer

Just leave all the default settings as they are. Autovacuum is enabled by default and will usually do the right thing. In my professional life I find that newbies who are trying to tune the autovacuum parameters usually do more harm than good.

One parameter I'd recommend changing is autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay, which I would lower to 2ms (which is the default setting from v12 on). That way, you run less risk of having a too lazy autovacuum.

If you ask a more specific question, you can get a more specific answer.