PostgreSQL Select value row depending on another value row


How to select only the value of the column phase that corresponds to the value of the column type?, that way I want to show only the TAXI_SMALL values if the value of type is small_airport, or TAXI_LARGE If the value of type is large_airport as in a sample of my table:

ident type aircraft phase co2_lto_kg
LFPG large_airport AC300 APPROACH 2033.64
LFPG large_airport AC300 CLIMB OUT 3279.83
LFPG large_airport AC300 TAKE OFF 1281.1932
LFPG large_airport AC300 TAXI_LARGE 3675.672
LFPG large_airport AC300 TAXI_MEDIUM 2261.952
LFPG large_airport AC300 TAXI_SMALL 1413.72

The desired result:

ident type aircraft phase co2_lto_kg
LFPG large_airport AC300 APPROACH 2033.64
LFPG large_airport AC300 CLIMB OUT 3279.83
LFPG large_airport AC300 TAKE OFF 1281.1932
LFPG large_airport AC300 TAXI_LARGE 3675.672

This is the code I've so far and I know that the CASE instance is not at all right…

ident, type, aircraft, phase,
avg(co2_by_phase_lto) as co2_lto_kg,
    WHEN t.type ilike 'large'||'%' THEN phase('TAXI_LARGE')
from aviation.emissionsco2 as t
where t.aircraft ilike '%'||'300' and
t.rep_airp ilike '%'||'lfpg'
group by ident,phase

Best Answer

You can use NOT LIKE to include all the non taxi related data -- check that the phase doesn't begin with TAXI_. Then add for each size a comparison that couples the airport size to the taxi route with OR.

       FROM aviation.emissionsco2
       WHERE phase NOT LIKE 'TAXI$_%' ESCAPE '$'
              OR (phase,
                  type) IN (('TAXI_LARGE',