SELECT Rows with Indefinite Filters in PostgreSQL


How do I create a function which takes indefinite parameters? And then finds all game_ids in a table where each parameter matches a different row (but same game_id)?



create table tags (
    tag_id    serial primary key,
    game_id   int, -- references games(game_id),
    tag_name  text,
    tag_value text

Sample data:

 tag_id | game_id | tag_name  |      tag_value
     55 |       6 | Event     | EUR-ASIA Rapid Match
     58 |       6 | Round     | 5
    400 |      38 | Event     | EUR-ASIA Rapid Match
    403 |      38 | Round     | 4

Example request: Let's say I want all game_ids where

Event (a tag_name) = 'EUR-ASIA Rapid Match' (a tag_value)
Round (a tag_name) = '5' (a tag_value)

A hardcoded solution for that exact scenario only might look like this:

with m1 as (
  select game_id from tags
    where tag_name = 'Event'
    and tag_value = 'EUR-ASIA Rapid Match'
), m2 as (
  select game_id from tags
    where tag_name = 'Round'
    and tag_value = '5'
) select * from m1 intersect select * from m2;

Except I want an indefinite number of tag matches. Can I create a function that takes an arbitrary number of tag names/values and returns a set of game_id matching all? The call might look this (pseudo-code):

select * from get_games_by_tags('{Event,EUR-ASIA Rapid Match}', ...)

Best Answer

This is a special case of . Here is an arsenal of query techniques:

The special difficulty of your case is to filter on the combination of two attributes, but the principle is the same.

You can make this fully dynamic with plain SQL, without string concatenation and dynamic SQL:

But performance won't come close to the following solution with dynamic SQL.
For best performance, have this (UNIQUE) multicolumn index:

CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX ON tags (tag_name, tag_value, game_id);

Maybe your PRIMARY KEY on tags already spans these columns. For best performance you need index columns in the demonstrated order. Create an additional index if the PK does not match or change the column order of the PK unless you need columns in a different order (too). Related:

The basic query technique I chose uses the pattern:

SELECT game_id
FROM   tags t
WHERE (tag_name, tag_value) = ('Event', 'EUR-ASIA Rapid Match')
AND    EXISTS (SELECT FROM tags WHERE game_id = t.game_id AND (tag_name, tag_value) = ('Round', '5'))
AND    EXISTS (SELECT FROM tags WHERE game_id = t.game_id AND (tag_name, tag_value) = ('some_tag', 'some value'))
AND ...

This query is already optimized for performance.


Using a user-defined row type as input like you have in your answer (optional, but convenient for the function design). I chose the name game_tag because tag felt too generic:

CREATE TYPE game_tag AS(
   tag_name  text
 , tag_value text

Note the subtle differences in syntax for these two row values:

'(Event,"EUR-ASIA Rapid Match")'::game_tag
('Event', 'EUR-ASIA Rapid Match')

The first one is a string literal for the registered row type game_tag, the second is a ROW constructor on two string literals building an anonymous row, short for:

ROW('Event', 'EUR-ASIA Rapid Match')

Either works for our purpose and gets index support. Just don't confuse the different syntax requirements. Related:

The shortcuts for just 1 or 2 parameters are optional but should further improve performance.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_games_by_tags(VARIADIC _filters game_tag[])
  RETURNS table (game_id int) AS
   CASE cardinality(_filters)
-- WHEN 0 THEN  -- impossible
      SELECT t.game_id
      FROM   tags t
      WHERE (tag_name, tag_value) = _filters[1];

      SELECT t.game_id
      FROM   tags t
      WHERE (tag_name, tag_value) = _filters[1]
      AND    EXISTS (
         SELECT FROM tags t1
         WHERE  t1.game_id = t.game_id
         AND   (tag_name, tag_value) = _filters[2]

        (SELECT 'SELECT game_id FROM tags t WHERE (tag_name, tag_value) = $1[1] AND '
              || string_agg('EXISTS (SELECT FROM tags WHERE game_id = t.game_id AND (tag_name, tag_value) = $1[' || g || '])', ' AND ')
         FROM   generate_series (2, cardinality(_filters)) g)
      USING _filters;
$func$  LANGUAGE plpgsql;

db<>fiddle here

Should be faster by orders of magnitude than what you have in your answer.


SELECT * FROM f_games_by_tags('(Event,"EUR-ASIA Rapid Match")');
SELECT * FROM f_games_by_tags('(Round,5)', '(Event,"EUR-ASIA Rapid Match")', '(some_tag,"some value")');

You can also pass an actual array to a VARIADIC function. Related: