Postgresql – Select next and previous rows


I have the following table:

  id            bigint primary key,
  thread_id     bigint,
  is_notice     boolean,
  title         text,
  content       text

I display the list using the following query:

SELECT * FROM post ORDER BY is_notice desc, thread_id desc, id

Then, given the post selected by id(i.e. SELECT * FROM post where id=3), how do I retrieve the next and previous posts?

Best Answer

Using PostgreSQL's Window Functions, specifically LAG and LEAD, should be able to show you the previous and next entries in your table.

select *
from (
    select  id, thread_id, is_notice, title, content,
            lag(id) over (order by is_notice desc, thread_id desc, id asc) as prev,
            lead(id) over (order by is_notice desc, thread_id desc, id asc) as next
    from post
    ) x
where 3 IN (id, prev, next);

A demo can be found here:!15/9fd7a/8