PostgreSQL – search_path Set and Seen But Not Used


Even though I'm (apparently) setting the search_path correctly I still have to prefix everything with the schema. What's wrong here? How do I get a default schema from the search_path?

psql blip
psql (9.4.1, server 9.4.4)
Type "help" for help.

blip=> \dt messages

no matching relations found.
blip=> \dt blip_schema.messages
            List of relations
   Schema    |   Name   | Type  | Owner  
 blip_schema | messages | table | dbuser
(1 row)
blip=> set search_path to "blip_schema,public";
blip=> show search_path;
(1 row)

blip=> \dt messages
No matching relations found.
blip=> \dt blip_schema.messages
            List of relations
   Schema    |   Name   | Type  | Owner  
 blip_schema | messages | table | dbuser
(1 row)

Best Answer

Double quotes denote identifiers that contain special characters, so set search_path to "blip_schema,public" will set the search path to a single schema named blip_schema,public.

The names you supply to set search_path have to follow regular naming rules, so no quotes at all, unless you have one schema that requires quoting:

set search_path to blip_schema,public;

or if you do want to use quotes, you need them for each identifier:

set search_path to "blip_schema","public";