Postgresql – Retrieving data from inner join using LIMIT and OFFSET


These are my two tables:

qid[PK]     |gid[PK]  |abcd     | xyz  |    date
 00001      |     qwe |      54 |    a | 1994-11-29
 00002      |     asd |       0 |    s | 1994-11-29
 00003      |     azx |      50 | 0.25 | 1994-11-27


qid[PK]     | gid[PK] | user[PK]
 00001      |     qwe | shreya
 00001      |     qwe | nagma
 00001      |     qwe | koena
 00001      |     qwe | paoli
 00002      |     asd | anushka
 00002      |     asd | angelina
 00003      |     azx | jolie
 00003      |     azx | scarlett
 00003      |     azx | sharon
 00003      |     azx | jeniffer

As you can see for each qid and gid of table1 there can be any number of rows in table2.

My requirement :
I want to retrieve all the users for the first 10 values of qid and gid from the offset.

My Query :

    select  * from table1 q inner join table2 a on q.qid=a.qid
 and q.gid=a.gid  order by desc limit 10 offset ?

But this query will retrieve 10 rows from offset from the inner join, But I want all rows from table 2 for the 10 rows[offset] from table1.

How can this be achieved?

Best Answer

Use a subquery (as displayed) or CTE for that purpose:

   SELECT qid, gid
   FROM   table1
   ORDER  BY date DESC
   LIMIT  10
   ) q
JOIN   table2 a USING (qid, gid)

USING (qid, gid) is just a shortcut for ON q.qid = a.qid AND q.gid = a.gid with the side effect that the two columns are only included once in the result.