PostgreSQL – retrieve all IDs in a tree for a given subnode


I have a non-binary tree of customer, and I need to obtain all the IDs in a tree for the given node.

The table is very simple, just an join table with a parent id and child id.
This is a representation of the tree I stored in my db.

Enter image description here

In this example if I search for node 17 I need in return 14-17. If I search for 11 I need in return 1-6-5-4-8-11-12-7-2-10-3.

The order is not important. I only need the ID to avoid circularity when adding children to a node.

I created this query.
The ancestor part works fine, I retrieve all parent nodes, but for the descendants I have some trouble. I'm only able to retrieve some part of the tree.
For example, with node 11 I retrieve 4-10-6-11-7-8, so all right part of the tree is missing.

-- starting node(s)
starting (parent, child) AS
  SELECT t.parent, t.child
  FROM public.customerincustomer AS t
  WHERE t.child = :node or t.parent = :node
ancestors (parent, child) AS
  SELECT t.parent, t.child
  FROM public.customerincustomer AS t
  WHERE t.parent IN (SELECT parent FROM starting)
  SELECT t.parent, t.child
  FROM public.customerincustomer AS t JOIN ancestors AS a ON t.child = a.parent
descendants (parent, child) AS
  SELECT t.parent, t.child
  FROM public.customerincustomer AS t
  WHERE t.parent IN (SELECT parent FROM starting) or t.child in (select child from starting)
  SELECT t.parent, t.child
  FROM public.customerincustomer AS t JOIN ancestors AS a ON t.parent = a.child

table ancestors
union all
table descendants


I see that many examples included in the tree table also the root in form (root_id, null).

In my case I don't have this record.

For example, taking the smallest tree 14->17, in my table I have only one record
parent, child

14 17

Best Answer

A very primitive implementation:

It basically divides the problem into two subproblems:

  • First find all the ancestors of the node in question (including the node itself). If the node has no parents, then this would be just itself.
  • Then find the descendants of all those ancestors (including themselves). We may have several nodes in the ancestors result set, we may get duplicates here, so we use UNION (and not UNION ALL) to remove them.
  • Note that the query will work even if the input node is a root with has no children.
  • It will also work if the data set is not a forest of trees but an arbitrary directed graph (where nodes can have more than one parent).

The query:

ancestors (parent) AS
  SELECT :node                      -- start with the given node
  SELECT t.parent                   -- and find all its ancestors
  FROM public.customerincustomer AS t JOIN ancestors AS a ON t.child = a.parent
descendants (customer) AS
  SELECT parent AS customer       -- now start with all the ancestors
  FROM ancestors
  SELECT t.child                  -- and find all their descendants
  FROM public.customerincustomer AS t JOIN descendants AS d ON t.parent = d.customer
SELECT customer
FROM descendants ;