Postgresql – Recommended postgres parameters for index creation with 244gb RAM and 32 CPUs


I have a 200 GB database with 26 tables that I need to create indexes on.

Currently index creation takes a long time on the biggest tables, as they have ~12gb and 400,000,000 rows in them (>4 hours).

I've set maintenance_work_mem to 100gb, and set max_parallel_workers to 30.

Are there any other parameters I should tune to improve the index creation speed?

This is on AWS Aurora, using postgres-10.6, in case that makes a difference.

There is no one else using the database and downtime/full locks are fine.

Best Answer

This is on AWS Aurora, using postgres-10.6, in case that makes a difference.

Yes, this matters quite a lot. Native parallel btree index builds were introduced in v11, so your "max_parallel_workers" setting won't matter for index builds under v10.

Unless you upgrade, you will have to parallelize them yourself by opening multiple sessions in parallel and building one index in each one. You will probably want to lower "maintenance_work_mem" as well if you have parallel processes (either of the manual or the v11 variety) as each one can claim that much memory.