Postgresql – Receiving connection timeout error when call PQconnectdbParams to connect to Postgres


What are the allowed format for sending "connection string" to the PQconnectdbParams method to connect to Postgres DB?

I am trying the following, but it's not working and receiving timeout errors always. I am not sure what I was doing is wrong.

provider_dsn := ' port=5432 dbname=dbname password=my_password user=user_name'

Error message receiving is as follows

ERROR:  could not connect to the postgresql server: timeout expired

I can provide further details if required.

Note: I can connect the DB using psql command from the terminal but can't when I use PQconnectdbParams with same credentials.

Best Answer

You are mixing up the different connection functions.

Your call would be correct with PQconn. PQconnectdbParams takes two parameters per connection string keyword

Replace PQconnectdbParams with PQconn and you should be fine.