Postgresql – Real time much greater than `EXPLAIN ANALYZE`’s execution time (index scan)


I want to fetch up to 100 rows based on their id. The id is the primary key of the table.

The query that I had written looks like this:

select * from table where id = any ($1);

where $1 is interpolated as an array of ids.

When using EXPLAIN ANALYZE I get the following plan (explain link):

                                                                QUERY PLAN
 Limit  (cost=0.43..44.98 rows=17 width=553) (actual time=100.048..834.209 rows=17 loops=1)
   ->  Index Scan using instagram_id_index_1000 on profiles_1000  (cost=0.43..44.98 rows=17 width=553) (actual time=100.046..834.163 rows=17 loops=1)
         Index Cond: (id = ANY ('{34491540,28977916,33241270,33609141,31043380,29364420,30247037,33311491,36267571,32886281,32366574,32569254,33038689,31089076,29416100,30455309,31570597}'::integer[]))
 Planning time: 424.512 ms
 Execution time: 834.280 ms
(5 rows)

When I actually execute it (with \timing) I get results in the 2-5 seconds range! I really cannot wrap my mind around such abysmal performance. The execution time provided by EXPLAIN ANALYZE was already high in the first place.

Some context:
1) the database is local, so there is no network latency
2) the table I'm querying on is a materialized view
3) I also tried the where id in (...) variation and nothing changed
4) I tried to programmatically loop over the ids and run a separate query for each and it produces better results (around 1.5s)

Is there something that can be done here? I cannot believe that Postgres' performance in my case is this bad. The server also has 8 cores, is it possible to parallelize this query as much as possible?

Best Answer

Firs the displayed query plan says:

Limit (cost=0.43..44.98 rows=17 width=553) ...

Obviously you added a LIMIT clause to the query, which is not in the query you show. If you didn't do the same in you second test, you may already have your answer: The same query with LIMIT (and without ORDER BY) can stop as soon as enough rows are found and can be much faster. Can also lead to a different query plan to begin with.

In principle

EXPLAIN ANALYZE measures the time spent by the Postgres process. Measurement is taken on the server. It adds a bit of overhead as compared to just executing the SQL command alone. For very cheap commands, that overhead may be more than the query cost. Overhead also depends on used options to some degree. You can minimize overhead with EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, COSTS OFF, TIMING OFF). (The TIMING option of EXPLAIN is in no way related to psql's \timing; used to toggle additional measurements per plan node.)

The manual:

The ANALYZE option causes the statement to be actually executed, not only planned. Then actual run time statistics are added to the display, including the total elapsed time expended within each plan node (in milliseconds) and the total number of rows it actually returned.

About the TIMING option:

Include actual startup time and time spent in each node in the output. The overhead of repeatedly reading the system clock can slow down the query significantly on some systems, so it may be useful to set this parameter to FALSE when only actual row counts, and not exact times, are needed. Run time of the entire statement is always measured, even when node-level timing is turned off with this option. This parameter may only be used when ANALYZE is also enabled. It defaults to TRUE.

\timing in psql, on the other hand, measures the time between sending the command and receiving results - including network latency. Measurement is taken on the client. That can be many times the execution alone. Seems to be your case.

Due to the mentioned overhead above, the opposite might be observed in cases with low latency and minimal data volume sent over the wire (especially with psql executed on the same server): \timing can report faster times.

There is a third good option: use the shell command time (also measuring on the client, obviously). See:


When I actually execute it (with \timing) ...

You are aware that EXPLAIN ANALYZE does actually execute the given query, with all side effects - as opposed to just EXPLAIN.

I tried to programmatically loop over the ids and run a separate query for each and it produces better results (around 1.5s)

A loop can produce query plans customized to each actual input value, based on statistics for the value. While a large IN or a large input array will produce a plan based on generic estimates. See:

You can achieve similar effects as with your loop with a LATERAL join from a (derived) table or with many SELECT statements tied together with UNION ALL or with a loop in a (plpgsql) server-side function - without adding many times the network latency and/or planing overhead. Related: