PostgreSQL – Solving Issues with pgpoolAdmin Installation


I got a problem with permissions during installation of pgpoolAdmin(newest version). The problem is when I get to window with main config that should be all okay to move to next installtion step.

The problem is access to two files: pgpool.conf and pcp.conf. Application says: "Write access denied". I tried "chmod 777" on those config files and "chown apache config_file_name" nothing works. I still see "Write access denied". Whole pgpool application is in /var/www/html/pgpoolAdmin. Location of those two files is /usr/local/etc/. I'm using Centos 6.5.

Sorry for no pictures but I have bo permission to upload

Best Answer

You have SELinux enabled, and your policy doesn't allow Apache to write to those files.

Adjust the policy, relabel the files, or (not recommended) disable SELinux. The sealert can help provide guidance.