PostgreSQL Connection Issues – External Windows Machine


I have a Windows laptop running a postgresql database. I want to be able to pull data from this DB into an application on another laptop, say excel or access.

So far, I set up a DSN on my machine and it works fine if I want to pull data into excel on my machine. However, I cannot successfully replicate this process on another machine. I have already installed the Postgres ODBC driver on this machine.

Can anybody help me through this process? I'm completely new to database administration and mostly do not know what I am doing – any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

You need to edit pg_hba.conf file in your Postgres installation, and add an entry to allow access via other machine or allow network range.

host    all             all              trust

As you had success accessing Postgres on the same machine, that could be the reason. Access via localhost is default. Let us know if worked.