PostgreSQL – Prepare Statements Plan Invalidation


Postgresql caches plans for prepared statements and their subsequent executes. see:

The question I have is what will destroy/re-write/clear postgres has cached? Naturally, any DDL statement (such as drop, alter etc.) would do. But are there other things?

Best Answer

Plans are invalidated if any object that they use suffers “cache invalidation”. Compare this source comment:

 * Currently, we track exactly the dependencies of plans on relations and
 * user-defined functions.  On relcache invalidation events or pg_proc
 * syscache invalidation events, we invalidate just those plans that depend
 * on the particular object being modified.  (Note: this scheme assumes
 * that any table modification that requires replanning will generate a
 * relcache inval event.)  We also watch for inval events on certain other
 * system catalogs, such as pg_namespace; but for them, our response is
 * just to invalidate all plans.  We expect updates on those catalogs to
 * be infrequent enough that more-detailed tracking is not worth the effort.

In the case of tables:

git grep CacheInvalidateRelcache

on the PostgreSQL source, you can find which changes involving tables cause plans to be invalidated:

  • contraints are added, removed, modified or renamed
  • attaching or detaching a partition
  • an index is added or dropped
  • a table is added to or removed from a publication
  • a row level security policy is added, modified or dropped
  • an inheritance child is added
  • a trigger is added, dropped, renamed, disabled or enabled
  • a query rewrite rule is added or removed

Other actions that lead to any such action will of course also invalidate plans.