Postgresql – Postgres not using indexes when ORing across join


I'm doing a query with a join on two tables, where I need to do an ILIKE filter on a field in each of the tables with wildcards at both ends, and it should return a row if either of them match.


"tableA"."tableB_id" = "tableB"."id" 
WHERE "tableA"."name" ILIKE '%rich%' OR "tableB"."name" ILIKE '%rich%';

As both of these tables are quite large I decided to try using trigram indexes to speed things up. However, this didn't appear to help, and having done an EXPLAIN ANALYZE I discovered that the indexes are not used. They are used if the filters are combined with AND instead of OR, and they are used if I do an OR between two indexed columns in the same table, just not with an OR between indexed columns in different tables.

Anyone have any ideas why?

Best Answer

It's sometimes useful to rewrite a query with OR conditions as a UNION (ALL) query. This usually leads to a different execution plan which may be more efficient. Testing will identify which of the two methods/plans is more efficient in each case (eg. if the trigram indexes are used for both parts of the union).

The rewrite:

FROM "tableA" AS a 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN "tableB" AS b
    ON a."tableB_id" = b."id" 
WHERE a."name" ILIKE '%rich%'


FROM "tableA" AS a 
    INNER JOIN "tableB" AS b
    ON a."tableB_id" = b."id" 
WHERE b."name" ILIKE '%rich%'
  AND (a."name" IS NULL OR a."name" NOT ILIKE '%rich%')