PostgreSQL – How to Denormalize Tables into JSON Objects for Node


Heres my problem. I have the following tables

CREATE TABLE inventory(
    id uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
    owner text NOT NULL references profile(name)

CREATE TABLE inventory_item(
    id uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
    description text,
    amount bigint,
    inventory uuid nOT NULL references table(id)

Now I would like to query for a single inventory

  • all items in that inventory
  • id and owner of that inventory

So I basically get a result of the following form, to send to the client:


I was thinking of querying id and owner directly and then adding the items as a subquery using ARRAY(). Unfortunately, ARRAY() only works with columns of the same type.

So how can I denormalize my table structure into a JSON array for node using a postgres query?

Best Answer

The answer was using json_agg instead of array_agg