Postgresql – Postgres could not receive data from client: Connection timed out


Am a sql DBA, learning postgres..In postgres logs i often receive "could not receive data from client: Connection timed out" I do not have any other logs other than this

Am not sure how to troubleshoot? I check the application logs and DBs logs to compare the time but I could not notice any abnormalities.

can someone guide me how to trace this issue.


Best Answer

A few possibilities:

  • Your application closes connections without telling the PostgreSQL server it's doing so, by simply closing the network socket. It should send a PQclose(conn) if using libpq, or whatever equivalent your language/driver has.

  • Network address translation timeouts on idle connections or other related network issues cause the TCP connections to break, so client and server lose communication with each other.

  • A firewall on the client or server is blocking or disrupting connections after they're established (maybe malfunctioning IDS?)