Postgresql – postgres composite index design


In my rails application using the Postgres database, I have a table called tw_schedules which belongs to a scenarios table (one scenario to many tw_schedules). In addition to the scenario_id foreign key (primary key "id" column from scenarios table), it contains two more foreign keys: type_well_id (primary key "id" column from type_wells table) and tw_import_id (primary key "id" column from tw_imports table).

Each tw_schedules belonging to a particular scenario can either have a type_well_id or tw_import_id, but not both. This is an application enforced constraint with the result that type_well_id or tw_import_id can have a null value.

My question is: in order to optimize the query retrieval time, should I create two compound indexes on:

scenario_id + type_well_id


scenario_id + tw_import_id

or three individual indexes on columns:


The reason I ask is that both type_well_id and tw_import_id columns can contain null values.

Best Answer

I would try making two composite partial indexes like

CREATE INDEX idx1 ON tw_schedules (scenario_id, type_well_id) WHERE type_well_id IS NOT NULL;

CREATE INDEX idx2 ON tw_schedules (scenario_id, tw_import_id) WHERE tw_import_id IS NOT NULL;

But, of course, everything depends on the selectivity of these indexes.