Postgresql – Postgres backup and WAL to S3


We are looking for a solution for the following problem:

We have set up streaming replication so we have a master DB and a slave DB, we want to have basebackups and WAL files sent to our S3 storage periodically.

I have looked at:

  • WAL-e which seemed to suit us perfectly, except that it does not support multiple tablespaces, which is a deal breaker.

  • Barman supports this but does not support S3, which is also a deal breaker, although it may be possible with pre- and post-backup hooks which I am currently looking into.

  • OmniPITR doesn't support S3 either.

Is there an application that does all these things already, or will I have to do some scripting?

Best Answer

After a lot of research, I ended up using Barman and a custom post-backup script, it works very good!