PostgreSQL JSONB – Get All Distinct Values of a Field


I have a table called Shipments:

CREATE TABLE shipments
      shipmentId numeric,
      metadata jsonb

Inside the metaData column there can exist an array of JSON objects named stops which might look something like this:

  "stops": [
      "stopId": 1,
      "stopType": "Origin"
      "stopId": 2,
      "stopType": "Destionation"
      "stopId": 3,
      "stopType": "Transit"

I'm trying to query across the table and get all the distinct stopType values. I can get all the distinct stopType values for the first index in the stops array via this simple query:

select distinct metadata->'stops'->0->>'stopType' from shipments

This almost gives me what I need:

║ stopType ║
║ Origin   ║

But what I want is:

║ stopType     ║
║ Origin       ║
║ Destination  ║
║ Transit      ║

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best Answer

Use jsonb_array_elements_text:

SELECT DISTINCT a.e ->> 'stopType' AS "stopType"
FROM shipments AS s
   CROSS JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements_text(s.metadata->'stops') AS a(e);